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Sticker Craft Download] [full Version]


Updated: Mar 30, 2020

About This Game Sticker Craft - game about combining stickers and collecting them. For example, combine stickers "Water" and "Lake" and get "Sea" sticker. Combine "Sea" to get "Ocean". Continue those logical sequences to discover all 210+ stickers. Most of them can be crafted using combinations with other stickers, but some of them - only by Stickerizing [Wild] Stickers. That's unique feature of the game. [Wild] Stickers appear only when some requirements are met. For example - play at night(real night) and wait for [Wild] Moon sticker to appear. Or place few Grass sticker to [Wild] Sheep sticker to appear. After that you need to tame them by combining them with special sticker called Stickerizer. This will create normal sticker and of course increase you discovered sticker number. But not all [Wild] elements are so easy to find. a09c17d780 Title: Sticker CraftGenre: Casual, IndieDeveloper:One More GamePublisher:One More GameRelease Date: 27 Jan, 2017 Sticker Craft Download] [full Version] craft beer sticker pack. sticker pacific craft. craft smart sticker and embellishment box. craft international sticker. sticker craft ideas. craft smart sticker by number. alex toys craft sticker factory. eye sticker for craft. sticker craft ideas. craft roll sticker. love sticker for craft. sticker crafts for adults. foam sticker craft ideas. craft smart sticker by number kit. sticker craft game walkthrough. kraft paper sticker uae. paper craft sticker activity book. craft smart sticker and embellishment box. paper craft sticker books. harga mesin cutting sticker craftrobo 330. porta craft sticker books. fridge sticker craft. craft square sticker. kraft paper sticker labels. easter sticker craft. sticker crafts shop. foam sticker craft kits. christmas sticker craft. sticker craft guide. sticker craft stores. sticker pacific craft. sticker craft birthday Click everything absently 1.000.000 times to discover the author's curious logic of interconnections between things in our world, sometimes it can be funny. Thank God it's not set on timer, could be recommended just for that fact as a casual distraction. Still I would not buy it for a cent.. Sticker Craft is a crafting/combine puzzle game similar to doodle god, but with diferent style and some funny combinations, and others just weird.The game doesn't has a secret, just pick one stick (Air) and other (Water) that combines to a new one (Steam) that you use to combine with others and so on. The game is really short, you can beat it within 2 hours with dedication and paying attention to some little jokes to make the combinations. The game has 2 main screens, the Crafting, where you click on one stick and other to combine, and the Inventory, where you have all the sticks that you've unlocked so far, and cliclking on it make it appears on the Crafting.There is a little button that shows you some sticks that you can unlock, he shows a shadow stick with the name Zebra, and in your inventory you have Black & White stick and Animal stick (There is also horse stick that could make more sense, but I get in there soon.), combine it and "Zebra". Some of them are more literal as, "Horned Monkey", "Winged Monkey" and others. But some of them are just impossible to guess just by the name. "Rare Fish" (Ok, let me fish sometime and soon this appears) No, you combine Lake + Dinamite... What? And what about Pirate? It could be simple as Human + Ship, no man, it's Cyclops + Human, what's this? (If it's some mythology reference, I'm sorry, I dind't get it.).The hints are very useful here when guessing by the name is impossible, but you can only use 3 per day. Since I dind't want to use a guide I played this everyday for the last month to get some hints, because I really got stuck on some stickers. In the end I used a guide because of Wild Sticks. They are special sticks that appears with some conditions. Like Rare Fish (A lot) and mountain, no you don't combine, you just put it on the screen and then Cyclops (Wild) appears, so you use Stickerizer (A special stick to catch the Wild ones [Gotta get'em all!] and you can use it).There is also the Day and Night cycle, that follows your computer time to set it, if it's before 6PM it's day, after it's night, until 6AM (I think so). Why this exist? Only to get 2... 2... TWO!!! Wild Sticks, and nothing more (I think it's only 2 because I played all this game on afternoons, and changed clock to get those). The soundtracks is 2 musics, really happy and that, somehow, works very well with the game, the bad side, it's just 2 musics, end one play the other and restart.There is a lot of combination with some jokes, others that just don't make any sense and others that is too much literal. The game is good, the soundtrack got me, even been only 2 short musics, and after a time annoying too, but the game has no dificult and what is hard to combine it's because is impossible to guess without a hint or a guide. The game's price isn't good in my opinion, for what this game could be, yet it has a lot of sticks on the game that could combine to get new ones, right now it has 221 stickers, but while playing I bet I did more than 300 ideas for it. I hope the developer (s?) can come with a new update with a lot of new sticks, because isn't hard to make new ones, the art style is really kid in my opinion (and yet I love this kind of art). You can buy it without fear if:-You like indie games;-You like cheap games;-You like fast games;-You like kid art style;-You like puzzle games;-You like to say to yourself "This makes no sense."But if you want something "harder" I recommend Doodle God games, and you can play on your browser for free...63/100 "Good, but could be better.". Pros:+ The graphics are very nice; colourful, cheerful and well drawn.+ It runs very smoothly, so (probably) doesn't need a powerful PC.+ You can turn the music off and put your own on.Cons:- The music, nice enough first time around rapidly becomes one of the most irritating things in existance. And its it supposed to glitch at the vocal part like that?- (The one which killed the game for me) The interface.The interface has a 'scratchpad' of stickers you can try and combine. You also have a 'bag' which contains the stickers you have unlocked. The problem is that 1) Opening the bag is very slow and 2) Every time you combine something, you the two combined stickers disappear and you have to open the bag to try and find them again if you want to continue to combine with them. Without trying it, you possibly don't understand how annoying this is; but for me it's a game-breaker.Compare with the Doodle titles; there you have two filterable lists which are available at all times, and you combine items in one list with those in another. This UI works. The one in Sticker Craft simply doesn't. Finding a new combination is not rewarding; it's damn annoying. As you have to (slowly) open the bag and find the sticker you combined. And then (slowly) open the bag and find the other sticker you combined. And then, most probably, (slowly) open the bag and find the new sticker, as some stickers combine with themselves. I simply don't understand how the developer thinks this interface in any way helps the player.If you like 'combine' games like the Doodle series, it may be worth a look. And there's a posibility that I'm missing something in the way the game works. But after the 20 mins required for a review I actually got more pleasure closing the game and heading for a refund than actually playing it.. Should you buy this? Yes! It is a really nice game for only 2 euros, I am sure having a lot of fun playing it!Be sure to check it out if you love achievement hunting like me! :). very fun took me 2 days to complete all achivments. could use ALOT more stuff! should be plastic, and bottles, can's, bricks, ect XD. Looking good, on a tablet-pc it can be used as a party game, like "I never".. Like this game really good to play while watching videos......Thank you very much for making the way to delete stickers


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